Difference Between Dental Veneers And Dental Crowns
Posted on 2/21/2022 by DeLuca, Ressel, & Congemi Dental Care
Veneers and dental crowns are restorations used to improve teeth' functionality and appearance. However, their structure, purpose, and functionality differ to some degree. A dentist assesses your dental issues and the amount of repair required before recommending veneers and dental crowns. Both veneers and crowns promote your smile's beauty. They can also last longer if properly maintained and cared for.
A brief Look at Dental Crowns
Dental crowns have the primary function of shielding a damaged tooth. They are a choice when decay is severe or after you have had root canal therapy. If a tooth is unable to handle its dental function for the long term, a crown can help strengthen as well as protect the tooth. A dentist files down some enamel before cementing a crown cap over the tooth. Crowns are color-matched, so you cannot easily notice them in the mouth.
A Closer Look at Dental Veneers
Unlike dental crowns, veneers work to replace a part of the tooth. Veneers enhance teeth' appearance. Broken, misshapen, and discolored teeth can be covered with veneers to mask the damages if they are lesser in nature. For severe chipping, breaking, or discolorations, veneers may not help. Veneers are thin shells molded and polished to attain the color and texture of your teeth. A dentist uses resin cement to bond them to the tooth. A thin enamel layer is shaved down before placing veneers. Veneers are fitted on the front teeth to cover blemishes and defects.
The Differences
Veneers are mostly used for aesthetic reasons since they are unable to patch cavities, fractured or lost teeth. Dental crowns can cover fractured or lost teeth as well as cavities. Veneers can heal chips and holes and close unsightly gapped teeth. Dental crowns are mostly required for full tooth restoration. Consult our dentist to discover more about crowns and veneers and when they are an option to resolve a dental issue.
About | Dentist Spring Hill, FL | DeLuca, Ressel, & Congemi We here at O'Sullivan, DeLuca & Ressel Dental Care want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles! Click to learn more about us! DeLuca, Ressel, & Congemi Dental Care - Dr. James DeLuca DMD, Dr. Nick Ressel DMD, 3429 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609 • (352) 666-9898 • springhilldentist.com • 2/6/2025 • Page Phrases: dentist spring hill fl •