What Happens If You Do Not Have Enough Saliva In The Mouth?
Posted on 4/12/2021 by DeLuca, Ressel, & Congemi Dental Care
Saliva is important for good oral health. However, some factors can lead to insufficient saliva in the mouth. This may include smoking, mouth breathing, medication side effects, and health issues. While a dry mouth may not seem a big concern, it can cause oral complications such as:
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay mostly occurs due to enamel loss. Enamel damage can result from acidic items or plaque buildup. Plaque buildup happens when food particles remain in the mouth. Luckily, saliva plays various roles in preventing tooth decay. It neutralizes acids, reducing the risk of enamel damage. In addition, it helps flush food particles and debris, limiting bacterial growth and buildups.
Mouth Sores
Saliva keeps the mouth moist. It also lubricates the tooth enamel and soft tissues in the mouth. In this case, lack of saliva means insufficient lubrication. With this, the teeth will likely injure the soft tissues, resulting in sores.
Gum Disease
In most cases, gum disease can occur due to plaque buildup. This harmful substance can happen when you consume products high in sugar. Over time, the bacteria in the mouth will feed on the sugar and multiply. This increases the risk of buildups between the teeth and along the gum line.
If not removed, plaque can irritate the gums, causing inflammation and swelling. During this stage, you can reverse the symptoms with simple procedures such as brushing regularly and flossing. However, at an advanced stage, you may need expensive dental procedures to maintain your oral health. The good thing with saliva is that it helps to dilute the sugar. With this, it will not be available for microbes, lowering the risk of gum disease.
Bad Breath
As you know, saliva helps to wash away food particles from the mouth. It also has an anti-microbe ability that prevents harmful bacteria from growing. In this case, insufficient saliva will lead to particles and bacteria build-up, which can contribute to bad breath. Luckily, there are various treatment options for dry mouth. Contact us today if you want to restore your saliva production and maintain good oral health.
About | Dentist Spring Hill, FL | DeLuca, Ressel, & Congemi We here at O'Sullivan, DeLuca & Ressel Dental Care want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles! Click to learn more about us! DeLuca, Ressel, & Congemi Dental Care - Dr. James DeLuca DMD, Dr. Nick Ressel DMD, 3429 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill, FL 34609, (352) 666-9898, springhilldentist.com, 2/4/2025, Tags: dentist spring hill fl,